From the ocean floor to the corona of the Sun and on to the edge of the observable universe, ADNET’s staff scientists publish cutting-edge research and support some of the world’s greatest scientists. At NASA, ADNET uses satellite-based vegetation data to predict malaria outbreaks, develop the next generation of detectors for X-ray astronomers and support mission operations of spacecraft that create 3-D images of the Sun.

Over the course of two decades, ADNET honed its science capabilities at NASA, building a cadre of skilled professionals valued at NASA facilities nationwide. Today, we can be found at NASA, and USGS, delivering on their mission and vision to understand and explore the Earth, Sun, planets, stars, and the universe. Our science teams feature astrophysicists, Earth and atmospheric scientists, planetary science systems engineers, and scientific application developers, supported by a vast array of IT personnel to further critical research and exploit mission data.

We’re ADNET…making a difference in your world and worlds beyond.

ADNET maintains a strong science and engineering presence at both NASA and USGS. In part through our generous training allowances and aggressive recruiting, ADNET attracts and maintains internationally known researchers, software and hardware developers, technicians who support virtually all of those two customers’ major missions. Supporting over 50 missions, including both satellite and suborbital missions (balloon and rocket flights), ADNET staff have produced hundreds of refereed technical journal articles and garnered millions of dollars in grants. Our in-house expertise spans an enormous range of space and Earth science disciplines, including:

  • Space physics: Magnetospheric and auroral studies from both satellites and rocket flights
  • Solar astronomy: Science research, satellite operations, system development, and data analysis from the SOHO, STEREO, and SDO missions
  • High energy astrophysics: Instrument support for X-ray satellite missions, data analysis for gamma-ray missions
  • Cosmology: Archival data analysis of the COBE and WMAP missions
  • Planetary science: Data analysis of Uranus and Saturn probes
  • Surroundings change: Software and system development for the full suite of surroundings monitoring satellites, plus data production, distribution, and analysis
  • Atmospheric chemistry, dynamics, and pollutants: Software and system development for near-real time data products and advanced analysis, e.g. ozone monitoring
  • Applications of remote sensing: Hurricane data analysis, epidemiology using satellite data and Google Earth, and more

ADNET’s engineering efforts extend to the development of cutting-edge search engine and data production techniques, such as the use of Semantic Web technology. We are developing detector arrays for the James Webb Space Telescope (the Hubble’s successor), and infrared detectors for the upgraded Hubble instruments. We are regular attendees at dozens of conferences. The result is a contractor-customer partnership that ensures that ADNET’s clients are able to exploit the latest technology and receive the most advanced scientific and engineering services regardless of discipline.

ADNET’s Engineering and Technical expertise includes:

  • Systems Engineering Planning /Execution
  • Technical Baseline and Configuration Management
  • Test, Evaluation ,and Verification
  • Modeling, Simulation & Analysis
  • Documentation(Master Plans; Schedules)

ADNET is a strong believer that an educated and aware public is the best guarantee of continued support for science, at NASA and every other agency. Our goals are to maximize the number of people who know of our customers’ work; to communicate the significance of that work as effectively as possible; and to help inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers. Our aggressive efforts reach every educational level, from elementary school through postgraduates, and with every medium, from family participation events, through webcasts, brochures, traveling shows, brochures, and DVDs. Our activities include:

  • Leading NASA GSFC social media development; held first-ever launch “Tweet-up” via Twitter; developed popular iPhone app 3-D Sun
  • Family Science Night programs
  • Development and support of the NASA outreach for the Smithsonian Folk Life Festival on the National Mall
  • The Solar Dynamics Observatory Sunday Experiment Program
  • A YouTube channel for solar astronomy that has garnered 500,000+ hits
  • Over 50 Earth science news releases and features per year
  • The internationally famous Science on a Sphere exhibit at Goddard Space Flight Center
  • Development and staffing of NASA’s annual Sun-Earth Day events, which give us direct contact with 80,000 users, plus another 7 million web visitors
  • Classroom programs for both space and Earth science